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Cascade Elementary Holiday Gift Shop Set Up Day

December 8, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Cascade : Sign me up for the Holiday Gift Shop Set Up Day

1 Going
99 remaining

Each year, Earn2Give needs about 100 volunteers to help with everything from setting up and running the Holiday Gift Markets to working with the children as Personal Shopper Guides, helping them exchange their points for gifts. Whether you have just a few hours to give or can join us for the day, your hands-on help is always needed and welcomed!

Holiday Gift Market Set Up Day : 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Please use the RSVP button above so we’ll know to expect you.

Our Holiday Gift Market Set Up Day starts around 10 am. Set up volunteers will help set up the Earn2Give Shopping Experience in the gym. We will put out tables, decorate and arrange all the gifts so the gym is converted into a festive Holiday Shopping Market for the next morning.

What is involved in the set up?

At past events, we’ve featured around 30 separate shopping stations consisting of hundreds ofindividual gift items for the students to shop from. The stations consist of portable tables with tablecloths that will need to be set up in the school gym and organized to provide an orderly flow for the children and their guides on Shopping Day. Each table will also need to have the gifts arranged by point value or gift type, and additional gifts still in shipping boxes will need to be arranged behind the station, staged to resupply the gifts between each shopping round.

We ask that all participants follow the health guidelines outlined below:

Please do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or if you are under isolation or quarantine orders. Let’s please keep the health and the well-being of the children and their families in mind on our set up day.

Thank you so much for your support and participation!


Still have questions about volunteering or Earn2Give? Please reach out to the event organizer, Louisa Liss.